A term is an atomic variable, called "literal" in mathematical logic, that is evaluated either true or false depending on the evaluation context. In PubGrub, a term is either a positive or a negative range of versions defined as follows.
A positive term is evaluated true if and only if
a version contained in its range was selected.
A negative term is evaluated true if and only if
a version not contained in its range was selected,
or no version was selected.
The negate()
method transforms a positive term into a negative one and vice versa.
In this guide, for any given range r,
we will note [r] its associated positive term,
and ¬[r] its associated negative term.
And for any term T, we will note ¯T the negation of that term.
Therefore we have the following rules,
Special terms
Provided that we have defined an empty range of versions ∅, there are two terms with special behavior which are [∅] and ¬[∅]. By definition, [∅] is evaluated true if and only if a version contained in the empty range is selected. This is impossible and as such the term [∅] is always evaluated false. And by negation, the term ¬[∅] is always evaluated true.
Intersection of terms
We define the "intersection" of two terms as the conjunction of those two terms (a logical AND). Therefore, if any of the terms is positive, the intersection also is a positive term. Given any two ranges of versions r1 and r2, the intersection of terms based on those ranges is defined as follows,
And for any two terms T1 and T2, their union and intersection are related by
Relation between terms
We say that a term T1 is satisfied by another term T2 if T2 implies T1, i.e. when T2 is evaluated true then T1 must also be true. This is equivalent to saying that T2 is a subset of T1, which is verified if T2∧T1=T2.
Note on comparability of terms:
Checking if a term is satisfied by another term is accomplished in the code by verifying if the intersection of the two terms equals the second term. It is thus very important that terms have unique representations, and by consequence also that ranges have a unique representation.
In the provided
type, ranges are implemented as an ordered vec of non-intersecting semi-open intervals. It is thus important that they are always reduced to their canonical form. For example, the range2 <= v < 2
is actually empty and thus should not be represented byvec![(2, Some(2))]
but by the emptyvec![]
. This requires special care when implementing range intersection.